In the busy-ness of things, I seem to get part of the job done before another part. Therefore, this email comes to many of you after your kids brought home some books from Religious Education last night.
For those not present, you will get them next week, or we will check with you about delivering or mailing them.
The books are only provided to parents right now, but if you are an involved grandparent, helping care for your grandkids, you are welcome to request a copy too.
A speaker we heard at our Spring Education Days first recommended the books. Many diocese are providing them to families to help protect kids to help parents form the kid’s awareness and conscience, and therefore help parents protect them from dangers to purity, innocence and chastity associated with the internet, TV, and elsewhere.
I have applied for a grant that will help pay for these books for our families. The books are age appropriate and address common questions and concerns in ways that will help you talk about, protect from, and deal with exposures that inevitably occur – whether at home, on their phone/tablet, or by a ‘friend’ at school. The kids are exposed to this in some way even when we do our best to protect them so prepare them in this gentle way.
If you have any questions about these materials, contact me.
Here is a brief summary of each book.
Plunging Pornography: A Catholic Bathroom Book (ages 13+) Americans spend more than two weeks in the restroom every year. Let's put this toilet time to use! Plunging Pornography is the perfect resource for teens and adults living in our porn-saturated culture. This engaging bathroom book tackles the tough topic of pornography from an authentically Catholic perspective. It outlines both the religious and scientific reasons for WHY & HOW to escape pornography. Parents, teens, and young adults will benefit from this easy-to-read resource. Place this book on the toilet of those with whom you wish to lovingly share the truth about porn. The restroom can be an unsanitary sanctuary. It's time for the porcelain throne to point to the Heavenly Throne. Every Catholic bathroom should have this book!
How parents can use this book:
Step 1: Parents read the book.
Step 2: Parents place the book in teen's bathroom.
Step 3: Parents begin dialogue with teen using the included conversation starters.
Wonderfully Made! Babies: A Catholic Perspective on How and Why God Makes Babies (ages 9+) Through the use of beautiful illustrations and simple yet truthful and medically correct language, this book explains the majesty God designed into the full, free, faithful, and fruitful communion of spouses that allows “man” to “image” the Trinity, who creates out of love, in order to share love. Complete with biblical and literary references, Wonderfully Made! Babies will enrich your child’s understanding of life’s bigger picture while affirming his or her personal worth and place in the world.
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids (Second Edition) (ages 7-12) Want a natural and comfortable way to talk to your kids about pornography? This newly revised edition of the original bestseller makes that daunting discussion easy! Good Pictures Bad Pictures is a read-aloud story about a mom and dad who explain what pornography is, why it’s dangerous, and how to reject it.
Featuring easy-to-understand science and simple analogies, this internationally-acclaimed book engages young kids to porn-proof their own brains.
Good Pictures Bad Pictures is in the top 100 best-selling parenting books on Amazon.
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds Even young children have access to the internet and they deserve to be armed early against its dangers.
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. makes it easy for parents to protect young children ages 3-6 with the Turn, Run & Tell plan!
Written by the best-selling author of the original Good Pictures Bad Pictures book, the Jr. version is a comfortable way for parents to empower their young kids with their first internal filter!
May God bless and guide you and your family and protect our kids from the forces that seek to destroy their innocence and faith.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (to the Greater Glory of God),
Fr. Kurtis Gunwall